Online IELTS Preparation
with Expert Teachers
Get the help of our experts now to reach your target score
IELTS Writing Corrections
Send us your writing to get it marked by an expert
Discover your scores, your mistakes and how to improve
IELTS Mock Speaking Tests
Attend a mock speaking test on Zoom
Discover your scores, your mistakes and how to improve
IELTS 1-to-1 Classes
Attend 1-to-1 classes on Zoom
Customised to your needs - choose what you most want to study (Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking)
Why learn with The IELTS School?
Why learning with us is the right choice for your IELTS preparation.
​All of our teachers are IELTS experts with many years of experience working in the IELTS field, so you can fully trust the advice we give you.
Clear advice
One of our core principles is giving advice in a way that is clear and easy to understand. We specialise in making the complicated appear simple.
Because we're an online school, you can study anywhere, anytime. You can create a schedule that suits you, work with teachers to plan your studies, and reach your goals your way.
Value for money
​We keep prices affordable so that you can get high-quality services without breaking the bank and our help remains accessible to many.
Speedy progress
Our focus on individualised feedback means that you can achieve quicker, more targeted progress than with more generic platforms.
​Most importantly, it's all about the results we help you to achieve. Your success is how we measure ours, so we're fully dedicated to guiding you towards the IELTS scores you need.

Stuck at Band 6.5 or lower in writing?
Try our
Send us your writing now and in 48 hours you'll get:

a detailed feedback video explaining your band score and key mistakes

a correction document with all your key vocab and grammar mistakes corrected

a Band 9 sample answer and recommended essay structure

advice on how to improve to reach your target score
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